January 29, 2004

Oh the Places I've Been (and Not Been)

This is pretty cool...from World66, a graphic of states visited. Before I filled it out, I said "I've never been anywhere," but actually I've hit 20 states. Several were drive-throughs...I didn't spend the night in Indiana, Mississippi, New York, or New Jersey, for example.

It makes a nifty-looking pattern. It also makes it look like I have something against Ohio.

create your own visited states map

(Is New York really that big?)

Posted by Nic at January 29, 2004 07:54 PM | TrackBack

They all touch each other!


Posted by: hln at January 31, 2004 10:53 PM

Fear of flying does that. ;-)

Posted by: nic at February 1, 2004 10:48 AM
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