September 21, 2003

back to work

We have lights, we have servers, we have no reason not to be at work tomorrow. Of course everybody will spend seven hours trading hurricane horror stories, but that's to be expected.

I got that out of my system already, talking to the other people in my department on the phone today to tell them to come in (carefully, since many of the traffic lights are still out). A couple of the people had some pretty bad tree damage (lost huge old trees costs $600 to have somebody come and saw and chip a big old tree, apparently. Ouch. I didn't even think of that aspect.) and one still doesn't have power. Not only is she happy to be coming in to work, she told me she's coming in early for a hot shower and to blowdry her hair.

Posted by Nic at September 21, 2003 09:44 PM | TrackBack
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