November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving


Today was the last charity walk of the season, the Turkey Trot for So Others Might Eat.


And while it started out unusually warm for November (and considerably warmer than last year), you could see the cold front moving in...

turkeytrot04-clouds.jpg the form of ominous clouds. And it did start to rain just before the race began, so I have no pictures from the actual route. (But it was up and back on Ohio Drive, so the pictures of the Jefferson Memorial from last week should suffice.)


I actually would not have minded being in a warm costume once the rain began. And I can't believe how blurry this is...I guess I must have been moved by the wind.


The rain had pretty much stopped by the end of the walk, so I did pause for a few more pictures. Including, of course...


Posted by Nic at November 25, 2004 01:21 PM
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