September 09, 2004

Peace - Part 5

More from Thich Nhat Hanh today, from his book Peace is Every Step. This is the "walking meditation when angry," but I can say that the walking part isn't imperative.

Breathing in, I know that anger is here.
Breathing out, I know that the anger is me.
Breathing in, I know that anger is unpleasant.
Breathing out, I know this feeling will pass.
Breathing in, I am calm.
Breathing out, I am strong enough to take care of this anger.

When I opened the book to look this up, I reread the foreword, which was by the Dalai Lama. He said

Although attempting to bring about world peace through the internal transformation of individuals is difficult, it is the only way.

Something occurred to me...I'm despairing because I can't fix things. Realistically I still think that what I said last week, that I don't expect to ever see a time without news photographs of horrified adults holding bloodied children, is a grim fact of my lifetime.

But I have a thought, an actual hopeful thought: Just because it won't happen in my lifetime doesn't mean it won't happen, and the world is not on my timetable.

Posted by Nic at September 9, 2004 01:22 PM
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