June 14, 2006

Seems I've got to have a change of scene

I am not well travelled. I barely leave my zip code on a regular basis. Even when I go on vacation (that one week a year) I go to the same place I've gone for thirty years.

I'm not bitching about this, I'm just stating the facts.

Last fall I went to Nevada for a friend's wedding, and except for flying (a little phobia of mine), I did appreciate the change of scene.

I'm thinking I should do it more often. The no-fly thing gets in the way a bit, but the other obstacles (the money, the work, the rats) are only obstacles because I let them be.

So I got a wedding invitation from my cousin the other day. She'll be getting married in Quebec, and my parents have even suggested that it'll be cheaper if we drive up rather than fly. I admit: I'm really excited by this prospect. A river that isn't the Potomac. A language that isn't English. A scene I haven't seen.

Posted by Nic at June 14, 2006 05:36 PM | TrackBack
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