March 26, 2006

And now, my manic phase

I'm not sure if that's a joke or not. I am in an awfully good mood, which seems like a massive change from my usual whining.

That 200-buck desklamp did make a difference in my energy and disposition the second half of the winter, but now that Helios is getting up earlier and going to bed later, I have perked up considerably more. Clearly I must have sun.

It's been cooler than it ought to be for this time of year, but daffodils are blooming everywhere, and so are the forsythias that I love so much. Yellow is my new favorite color.

Saturday afternoon my mom and I worked on the new vegetable garden. After two years of feeding every squash beetle central Maryland with my attempts at container gardening, I'm doing it the right way over at my parents' house. The last two weeks we have been digging, preping soil, and hauling heavy stuff; this week we plant spinach, chard, beets, and I forget what else. And I've even convinced mom that we need blueberry bushes.

Spring training is almost over. I'm in such a great mood I'm ready to forgive Soriano's temper tantrum. (Well...we'll see how often the wind knocks those line drives out of his line of vision before I decide for sure.)

I'm so cheery, I can't wait to get to the Metro so I can help tourists figure out how to use the farecard machines.

Ok, that is definitely a joke.

Posted by Nic at March 26, 2006 07:12 PM | TrackBack
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