February 12, 2006

This'll mess up reception


But...but...I need to watch the Canada-Russia game!

Actually I was out at 7:30 shovelling, and pleasantly surprised to find that the plow had already been through. There's a reason I like to be out clearing the snow before anyone else...I like the quiet, I get to see the patterns of the snow undisturbed...and I get first shot at the prime snow-piling spots, which are few in my cramped townhouse development. If you are the last one to shovel, you are throwing your snow onto a 12-foot pile instead of a 12-inch one. Oh, and getting out early means getting back inside before the neighbors come out, and relieves me of the obligation to help them.

Victor knocked the snow off the dish with a broom, and I have hockey.

I do wish we'd gotten this during the week, though, so I'd have had an excuse to stay home from work to watch more Olympics.

Posted by Nic at February 12, 2006 12:33 PM | TrackBack
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