October 01, 2005

Summer lovin' had me a blast


This is something. Victor was telling me about the Caps game he went to on Friday, my mom was telling me about the Ted Leonsis interview she just saw, and I was saying "It's still baseball season!"

One of the times I mentioned that I'm still oddly disinterested in hockey's return, Victor said it was because I felt jilted. I guess he hit the nail on the head. And while hockey was away (seemingly indifferent, after all those years we had together!), a cute new sport moved in. I wasn't looking, but night after night it was there, mellow voices on the radio. On the weekends it offered sunny afternoons. I didn't realize it was serious until last month, when I woke up every morning needing to find out the games-back situation for the wild card race.

Maybe it's a fling, maybe it's the real deal. I have one more date tomorrow, then I guess I'll see about taking hockey back.

Posted by Nic at October 1, 2005 10:47 PM | TrackBack
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