Victor thinks I'm serious? That's a laugh. I spent the day on my Barcolounger in front of the tv. And I'm ready to renounce being a sports fan (first time since what, last December?)
Maryland blows 10 point lead and loses to Clemson
(Y'know, there's a lot of orange in the uniforms of ACC teams. What is up with that? Orange is the ugliest color in the spectrum.)
Theoretically-fighting-for-a-wildcard Nats fail to score against Atlanta
(Yes, if you'd told me in April that we'd even be fighting for a wildcard spot in September I would have been thrilled. Did I not say two days ago that I'm whiny right now?)
And what really sucks: with all the drugs I'm having to take, I couldn't even drink a couple of beers while watching these games.
Posted by Nic at September 10, 2005 04:10 PM | TrackBack