August 10, 2005

He is related to me, after all

Without kids of my own to brag (or blog) about, I need to borrow other people's my nephew, age 4. He can be quite the, um, handful, but I realized on vacation that he only turns evil when he's bored...occupy his mind, and he's a delightful child.

I picked up some crayons and a coloring book for him at a dollar store, hoping that would keep him out of trouble for a couple of hours one evening. It did, mostly (he did put the broken crayons in his pocket, but I noticed it and remembered to alert my sister before a load of laundry was ruined. Dollar store crayons break really easily, by the way. And the colors suck. But that's a post for another day.)

Anyway, I was playing a trivia game with the rest of the adults when my nephew tugged my sleeve and asked what he was supposed to do on this page:


"Circle the one that doesn't belong," I answered. A minute later, he tugged at my sleeve again, and I looked down, expecting to see that he'd circled the dog.

"The spider isn't happy," he told me.

I looked again. Sure enough...the grasshopper, the bee, and the dog are grinning, but the spider has more of a scowl.

I am so proud of that boy. Next time, I'm getting him Crayolas.

Posted by Nic at August 10, 2005 08:48 PM | TrackBack

Now that's some impressive thinking-outside-the-box!

Posted by: Ted at August 12, 2005 11:50 AM

Good for him! That was totally clever!

Posted by: RP at August 12, 2005 03:14 PM
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