Teaser on the radio news: When will the heat end?
Me, yelling at the car radio: September!
It's summertime, for Pete's sake. It's supposed to be hot.
It doesn't bother me, but of course, I don't work outside. I work under the vent of a super-industrial-sub-zero air conditioner. I go outside every hour or so to thaw out.
If I go to the grocery store, or a restaurant, or God forbid the movies, I'll change into long pants (and maybe grab a long-sleeved shirt, just in case). I freeze in most commercial AC.
I'm a throwback. I'd be perfectly happy with windows that open, fans, shade porches, and seersucker to get me through the summer.
Posted by Nic at July 26, 2005 05:44 PM | TrackBack