March 21, 2004


I'll be honest, with the Caps season grinding down, I was more interested in seeing the alumni players than the actual game last night. And the Maryland-Syracuse game overlapped the hockey game, too. So we had dinner in a bar to watch the first half of the basketball game, got to our seats in time to see the presentation of the old players, then for the first period I tried multi-tasking.


Even with good reception (which I did not have), basketball's a little hard to follow on a 1.5" screen, so I pretty much listened to the basketball and watched the hockey. Victor took this picture during the first intermission, when Maryland was attempting their comeback, which is why I'm so intent on the mini-tv in my lap. (Oh, and I didn't intentionally obscure my face; my hair always flops down like that. But you wouldn't have wanted to see my face when Strawberry missed that final shot, anyway.)

Posted by Nic at March 21, 2004 08:43 PM | TrackBack
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