February 28, 2004

Laugh about it, shout about it, when you've got to choose

Maryland's primary is Tuesday. I'm a registered Democrat and still undecided. A friend was giving me a hard time about that (the undecided part) back on Super Bowl Sunday. I pointed out that with my track record of backing losers, there wasn't much point in deciding too much before the primary, because if I did my candidate was sure to be gone by then.

I've taken some of the online "pick your candidate" quizzes, and they keep coming up with Dennis Kucinich at the top of my list.

And actually, philosophically, I am probably closer to Kucinich than any other candidate on the ballot. But I'm also a pragmatist. Just because I agree with a lot of his ideals doesn't mean I think he'd be an effective president in a less than ideal world.

My most liberal friends don't appreciate the pragmatism, my conservative friends think I'm a Red. I imagine myself in the middle of the road, along with the yellow line and the dead skunk, trying to decide what to compromise.

Hoping it's not a matter of Every way you look at you, you lose.

Posted by Nic at February 28, 2004 02:39 PM | TrackBack
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