February 15, 2004


I did go to the gym Friday and Saturday, just didn't bother to enter it then: 60-second intervals, one circuit +6 stations. Saturday was my 1-month weigh in...up half a pound. Heh.

Today I did a new Lelslie Sansone dvd, which is actually older than the one I have, Walk Off Weight. 30 minutes was the warm up, 1 mile, and cool down. Not as intense as the WATP. Wasn't wearing the monitor so I don't know where I actually was.

Plan for this week: gym Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. We have games Tuesday and Thursday; I may try to get up early and do the WATP dvd before work. Feel free to laugh at that notion...

Lot of home games between now and the end of the season, which wil make the schedule a little tricky. Til the end I'll have to be content with "something is better than nothing" and re-evaluate in April.

Posted by Nic at February 15, 2004 03:53 PM | TrackBack
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