September 25, 2003

Hooky, hockey, and heathy living

I'm playing hooky this afternoon. We were having computer problems at work, making me less than productive. My boss was out. My boss' boss was out. I went outside around 1 to deliver something to the other building and saw the blue sky, felt the warm sun...

I signed out. Told them to call my cell phone if we have any disasters (oddly enough, when we do have "incidents" it does seem to be when I am not there) and I took off.

I have tickets for the hockey game tonight, so I'm going to head into town early and enjoy Washington on a bright fall afternoon.

And hey, my holistic health book says to get at least twenty minutes of sunlight a day!

Posted by Nic at September 25, 2003 03:16 PM | TrackBack

Gotta get that Vitamin D! D... for Detroit... ick. I hate the Red Wings.

Posted by: Ted at September 26, 2003 12:25 PM

I wish I played hookey today. I was tempted.....

Posted by: Mala at September 26, 2003 05:13 PM
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