July 17, 2003


Earlier I wrote, again, about living in a box. I was joking, of course. If something got screwed up with my refinance, I'd get a lawyer...and even if something else got screwed up and I did manage to lose the house, my parents would take me in. Or I could live with my grandmother, or my sister, probably even my ex would let me crash on his floor if it was truly the difference between sleeping in a house or in a box.

I went out tonight to get a wireless network card for my laptop. In the parking lot of the computer store there was a man asking for money. He said he was homeless. The thing that got me was that he had two kids with him, a girl in a stroller and a boy a little older.

I don't know what kind of shelters might exist here. During the winter some of the churches are open, but I don't know about summer. There's a place down by my office that is specifically for men; they serve dinner and people sleep there, but during the day it is closed and I doubt they'd allow kids. Even if they did, it's ten miles away.

Like I said, I have family here, and friends with sofas I could crash on and people who would help. I wonder about this guy. I worry about this guy.

Now I'm back home in the house I said I hate, but I don't really, because at least I have it. I'm wondering if the guy is still walking his children around the shopping center trying to get enough money to buy them some dinner, or if he's taken them...where?...and put them to...bed?

Posted by Nic at July 17, 2003 08:25 PM

Celebrex is prescribed for acute pain, menstrual cramps, and the pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Posted by: celebrex at July 13, 2005 12:00 PM
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