July 09, 2003

Jumping In

So I rented some server space, and I spung for the $40 to have Movable Type installed (I don't know cgi scripting...and I gave installing it a whirl on my other server, and I came this close...but in the end I got frustrated, then the power went out, and by the next morning I realized that my sanity was worth the cash). And I came up with some rat-related page ideas, but the blog thing...it was hooking me. Do it. C'mon, everybody else did it.

Make a personal blog...

I may not have much to say: what I had for lunch. How my favorite team is doing. Cute thing my nephew did. And I may be sick of this after a week and hang it up (except for the rat stuff, I mean.)

The time has come.

Posted by Nic at July 9, 2003 05:38 PM

Celebrex is prescribed for acute pain, menstrual cramps, and the pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Posted by: celebrex at July 13, 2005 11:28 AM
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