July 07, 2005

Stage 6

I didn't have a chance to "watch" the Tour on the Internet today. I didn't really even have a chance to check in on the news, which obviously seemed much more important. It was one of those wack-a-mole days at the office; even at lunchtime I had someone ask if she could join me, then proceed to discuss some new goals for me for this new fiscal year. But y'know, I can't be upset about being busy at work, since I made it to work. You know the feeling, that appreciation-of-the-little-things that smacks you in the face, and the slight unease over frivolous concerns...

This is from today's Tour wrap up:

On an ordinary day - one without the events that transpired in London this morning - Mengin’s crash could have been seen as a curse, but hindsight and video footage will remind us that such an accident can almost be amusing so long as no serious injuries are sustained. It’s another thing which makes the Tour such a hypnotic and entertaining event. Winners can emerge from no where. Heroes can crash. Formidable stars can be taken out of the equation. And the racing will continue. Thank goodness that there’s a glimmer of good on an otherwise somber day. Vai Lorenzo, vai. Go hard and go strong and remind us that there’s hope for the future and trivial things to help us smile.
Posted by Nic at July 7, 2005 06:10 PM | TrackBack
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