June 28, 2005

Context (more of my ranting about the Jeremy Roenick rant)

Jeremy Roenick says his rant was taken out of context, and after reading more complete transcipts, that seems to be the case.

But there is still just one thing I want to hear from the NHL, from the owners, from the union, and from the players.

(Make that two things. The first is "We have reached an agreement," because that isn't a done deal yet.)

Other than that, though, all I want to hear is "We are sorry we let this happen."

Both sides are responsible, and everyone involved on both sides needs to be doing their best to win people back, not cussing them out.

All they took away from me was entertainment...it was like being grounded for the season. But they hurt people: the waitresses who lost tips, the guys who sell popcorn at the arenas, the team office staff who go laid off. Look at them, then try crying poor about the lousy deal the players are going to end up with...that's the context I'd like to see Roenick consider.

You guys saw my hockey collection...I'm not exactly the casual fan. If the NHL and NHLPA can alienate me like this, I do wonder how many people will take them back with open arms.

Posted by Nic at June 28, 2005 07:31 AM
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