We are unlikely to more forward at work this week, because some layer of bureaucracy is apparently out of town. Did I mention that I have no actual input in this process? That my only decision will be what shoes I happen to wear on the day this finally goes down?
Dunno what's happening on the kitchen scene either. I'm waiting for calls back, and I'm going to give it 24 hours before I freak out again. Mostly I'm waiting 24 hours because I'm exhausted, and I'm afraid if I need to come out swinging, I'll end up sobbing instead. I'd rather be Customer from Hell than the Crazy Lady Who Cried on the Phone.
A guy I work with brought me a giant bag of M&M's today. (He sadly told me they were the Jedi mix, though, because he couldn't find the Sith ones.) And Victor brought me a big bag of dark chocolate Hershey's Kisses. I'm thinking two things: it is really nice to have friends who care when you are a giant freaking stressball and try to cheer you up. And the second thought...wow, I must be a bitch on wheels right now.
Posted by Nic at May 31, 2005 04:41 PMJust finished reading all the earlier contractor posts and the work posts. Regarding the contractor, if you are unhappy, put pressure on him through the people who referred him to you. That store must be a big part of his business and if you start to pressure that, well, I bet you get your phone calls returned. Especially if you let him know that upon successful conclusion of the job, you will be happy to sing his praises to the store. Stick/carrot. You get the idea.
Posted by: RP at May 31, 2005 05:02 PM