March 15, 2005

Monday, Monday

What's worse than going to the office on Monday to work on the Project from Hell?

Not going to the office on Monday to work on the Project from Hell.

I have "the virus that's going around." It got here at 2 am yesterday, and for 28 hours I left the bed only to crawl across the hall to the bathroom and back. Every time I moved my head even a micron, my brain did a barrel roll in one direction and my stomach in another. Victor stayed home and took care of me, bless him, because I am a giant baby when I'm sick.

I feel 100% better today than yesterday, but that's still 200% worse than normal. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather be at work.

Posted by Nic at March 15, 2005 07:22 AM
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