February 15, 2005

Yum, veggie burgers

Wisconsin Firm Recalls Ground Beef Because of Possible Contamination with Hydraulic Fluid

Actually, hydraulic fluid, while not being healthy (I'm guessing hydraulic fluid would be a hydrocarbon, and certainly wouldn't sit well in the GI tract) isn't gross. Ok, it's gross, but not eewwww, gross. When I heard this story on the radio, the announcer said something like "You won't believe what's in the beef!" which had me anticipating something like human fingers, or baby frogs.

Which is funny, really, because fingers or frogs probably aren't as unhealthy as hydraulic fluid.

Anyway, I'm not really freaked out by a ground beef recall. The safety of ground meat is pretty far down the list of why I've switched over to veggie burgers. (The first reason is actually because I'm starting to really like them. Ever try the bean burger at Chili's? It's got some nice spice, and more flavor than the giant hamburgers.) But I do notice that the recall is for meat with sell-by dates of January 31 to Februay 2. After two weeks, even without the hydraulic fluid marinade, that's probably not worth eating.

And for the people who made burgers the day they bought the meat, I wonder if they were amazed by how none of the meat got stuck on the pan.

Posted by Nic at February 15, 2005 05:43 PM

You might have something there! First Victor with his individually wrapped sugar, now you with the pre-tefloned burgers. Man, I can't wait for the future! :D

Posted by: Ted at February 16, 2005 08:03 AM

Hey, the "names it was sold under" all say "WITH NATURAL FLAVORINGS." I didn't know hydraulic fluid was a natural flavoring!

Posted by: Victor and his seventeen pet rats at February 16, 2005 08:22 AM
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