January 19, 2005

Es schneit

I took German from junior high through college. I was never a good speaker...my accents is terrible...but for awhile I could do a pretty good job of reading, say, a newspaper. That ability is long gone (use it or lose it, I guess) and all that remains is the basic vocabulary and the childish phrases we repeated over and over in seventh grade. Every class that first semester we went through a sing-song list: the day of the week, what the next day would be, the weather.

Heute ist Mittwoch. Morgen ist Donnerstag. Es schneit.

Es schneit means "It is snowing."

I like that one, because when you say it out loud, it kinda sounds like a curse.

And now that I'm not in seventh grade, it is.

Posted by Nic at January 19, 2005 10:19 AM
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