January 04, 2005

Walt Starling

Walt Starling (like Eddie Gallaher) was a voice I grew up with. He did traffic reports on the radio, and the funny thing is, my sister and I listened to him (really listened and paid attention) long before we could drive.

I heard that Walt Starling passed away today, only 52 years old, after a battle with colon cancer. I was reading the tribute page set up by the Friends of Walt Starling to support his family in paying their medical bills, and those pictures brought back memories...like evening drive times. I can still hear DJ John Bodnar say "You made it, it's fiiiiive o'clock," which meant dad would be home from work soon. And I remember Bodnar's jokes about Walt Starling in his "cute little blue flight suit," and the clip from Walt's broadcast that WASH used in commercials: "Golly, look at that mess."

Walt Starling got me to call the Cabin John Bridge by its new and respectful name (American Legion) and taught me the importance of alternate routes.

When Captain Dan, the WMAL traffic reporter, came to visit my elementry school (even landing his helicopter on our field), I was underwhelmed. "I like Walt Starling," I told my teacher.

The last I'd heard about him before news of his illness was during the sniper attacks in 2002, when I read a Baltimore Sun story about how he posted "Thou Shalt Not Kill" signs at the scenes of the murders.

It's been years since Walt was on the air, and I never actually met the man, but it's funny how local media figures become part of your life. I was very sad to hear the news today, and I send my condolences to his family.

Posted by Nic at January 4, 2005 05:17 PM

I was going to call Walter when I got to DC this week. Having lost his number, I looked on the Internet, I was shocked to learn of his passing. I used to fly the evening drive time with Walter on occasion, and he used to call himself an "educated redneck". And he was, too (educated). I'm going to miss you Walter.

Posted by: BOB GUILLIAMS at October 5, 2005 07:17 AM
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