November 09, 2004

Somebody tell me No

Darn Amazon. I didn't even know this thing existed until I saw it on the home page today (and I was visiting Amazon for selfless reasons, too, looking for someone else's Wish List) and now I want it.

I'm looking over the bank account going "Hmmmmm..."

I'm thinking about all the digital pictures that I never look at because I never print them out.

I think about the inexplicable iPod crush I've had lately.

Please, somebody, tell me that you have one and it sucks.

Posted by Nic at November 9, 2004 04:51 PM

Honestly, sweetie: Maximum PC reviewed that and it got a stinky review--like a 3 on a ten scale. IIRC, the software was buggy and non-intuitive and pic loading times were slow.

Posted by: Victor at November 9, 2004 10:00 PM

It sounds like it would be cool if it worked, though.

Posted by: nic at November 10, 2004 07:23 AM
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