October 24, 2004

Who is tougher, the rhinovirus or me?

We have a nasty cold going around the office. Last Tuesday I had a meeting with a guy who was coming down with it...between his coughing, sneezing, and general hang-dog look I could see his wasn't feeling well. And being the compassionate person I am, going through my mind the whole time was "Quit shedding your germs in my air!"

He was out the rest of the week, but by Friday his cubicle mates were all starting to cough and sneeze, too.

This morning I started feeling that back-of-the-throat tickle, and a little dizzy.

I know my resistance is probably rock bottom right now. Last week was a bad one at work, plus I had the worst case of PMS I can remember having. (The other night I was so depressed, weepy, and paranoid that I was ready to roll under a train, except that I didn't have the energy to find one. When the cramps kicked in the next morning I was actually relieved...ah, it's hormones. I'm not having a nervous breakdown after all!...I just had to deal with that pain for 72 hours.) And worst of all, we had to have Pinky, my favorite and most lovable rat, put to sleep at the emergency vet on Friday night.

So last week pretty much sucked, and I'm afraid it may have sucked the kick right out of my immune system. What I'd love to do is take a day or two off, make a pot of soup, and wrap myself in fleece and watch old movies. What I will be doing is going to a conference, where I will be eating processed food, shaking hands, and breathing recirculated hotel air. I go to this conference every fall, and I don't think I've ever come home without at least a slight cold.

So in my travels today I picked up a bottle of Sambucol and a tube of Airborne. It's my own uncontrolled experiment. If I'm not flat on my ass this time next week, I will be a new believer in the powers of roots, rocks, and berries.

Posted by Nic at October 24, 2004 03:39 PM

Oh man, sorry to hear about Pinky! Take care as best you can.

Posted by: Ted at October 25, 2004 09:02 AM
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