October 21, 2004

Hockey ass whooped

Yeah, that's the Lowell Lock Monster logo over there on the left...they beat the Pirates last night. Ah, well. Congrats on the win, Kin.

I see that Tom Rowe is coaching Lowell...I saw him play in Washington, both stints with the Caps...he had a little more hair then. Nice guy...I think I have one of his broken sticks in in the rafters of my parents' basement. (I have a large broken hockey stick collection, but you know, those things aren't easy to carry around and display. I once dreamt of opening a sports bar just so I'd have a place to put all the sticks, pucks, and jerseys. I'm not really looking forward to my actual job today; maybe I should revisit that dream...)

Posted by Nic at October 21, 2004 07:28 AM

I'm rather enjoying this new version of the Whoopass Jamboree. I picked the Admirals at random and have yet to lose.

Better than the beloved Canuckleheads anyway.

Posted by: frinklin at October 23, 2004 01:53 AM
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