October 05, 2004

Vegetarian recipe - Wild Rice & feta salad

I was talking to Victor from work today, and he asked if I'd posted another recipe. I said no, because it's not like I have my recipe cards at the office...except that made me remember that I do have one, and I posted it on my old blog. However, I'm not above repeats, especially on a busy day like today. So, from an earlier post:

I have a horrible mess of a junk drawer in my desk at work. I had to empty it out this morning in a search for staples (which I did not find...staples are the one office supply I never run out of, and yet, no staples.) In the process I found this recipe, which I made up a few years ago as a standard pot luck contribution. I guess it was good enough for someone to ask for my recipe, otherwise it would not have made its way to my kitchenless office.

The recipe is ...

1 cup uncooked wild rice (or mix of wild and brown rice)
1 cup diced celery
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup dried canberries (I use sweetened Craisins)
6 to 8 ouces feta cheese, crumbled
Vinaigrette salad dressing (I use an herb-y bottled vinaigrette)
Cook the rice and allow to cool. Mix the rice, celery, pecans, and cranberries, then enough vinaigrette to coat but not so much that the salad is swimming in oil. Mix in the crumbled feta shortly before serving. Can be served chilled or close to room temperature.

Posted by Nic at October 5, 2004 05:53 PM
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