I've been thinking about the red state/blue state political polarization. I have friends in both the liberal weiner and the right wing nutjob camps, and so much what I hear from both sides is pretty vitriolic. And extreme...my right wing friend thinks that if Kerry wins, the White House will end up a mosque; my left wing friend thinks that Bush's re-election would leave the water undrinkable and the air unbreathable by 2008.
Like a good ISTJ, I trust The System. We have checks and balances to make sure that one man cannot destroy it all in one four-year term. I have my preference...but I'm 2 for 4 in voting for presidential winners, and I've made it through the administrations of the guys for whom I didn't vote. I'm not scared, really, either way.
I did watch the debate last night, but none of the post-game show. I don't read political blogs, and I'm pretty much tuning out my friends on the extremes. While I rolled my eyes at a few of the too-repeated refrains (from both candidates) last night, overall I was impressed...neither was an asshole, and neither was a cartoon.
And it's a bit of a gamble anyway. Without a crystal ball, the next four years are speculation...I watched the debates in 2000 too, and never heard the question "What will you do if terrorists hijack planes and fly them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon?"
And ultimately isn't it like the JibJab guys said...from the liberal weiners to the right wing nutjobs, this land belongs to you and me?
Posted by Nic at October 1, 2004 12:11 PM