August 08, 2004

Item #1 on the to-do list

We went to a family wedding yesterday. I was harboring this delusion that I'd still have time last night to get other stuff done, but instead we stayed through the whole reception then ended up back at my aunt and uncle's (the bride was my cousin) and, well.

There's a family story about some relative, my grandfather's cousin, I think, who left his wedding reception for the honeymoon. Someone broke into the couple's car in a motel parking lot that night, so, having lost their luggage, they returned home the next day, only to find the party still going strong.

This party wasn't that wild, but...I was about to say I got nothing done, but you know, that's not true. I didn't do grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, or packing (we go on vacation Saturday), but I visited with my aunts, uncles, grandmother, and family friends who have known me since birth.

It was very grounding...the old stories, the old pictures, the family reminded me how connected I am to so many people. It was also uplifting...the couple looked beautiful and genuinely happy, people laughed and danced and sang, and a tow-headed toddler ran around with his shirt untucked and his tiny little necktie in his mouth.

So this week will be busy, but I'm going into it feeling better than I've felt in weeks.

Posted by Nic at August 8, 2004 04:30 PM

Good for you!

Posted by: Ted at August 9, 2004 01:40 PM
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