May 27, 2004

Are you completely sick of cicadas yet?

I'm not!

One decided to hitch a ride home with me tonight. I saw him on my shoe while I was stopped at a red problem. Then he decided to crawl up under my pants leg. I'm neither scared nor disgusted, but still, I don't want bugs in my pants. Thinking of Zenchick, I very carefully lifted my slacks and offered him my hand, which he thankfully stepped onto (also thankfully, it's a long light at that intersection). I put my hand out the window and said "Fly, little friend, be free!"

He liked me. He started crawling back up my arm. The light changed. He stuck like glue. At the next light I opened the door and flicked him off my arm...I suspect he probably smacked into a windshield behind me, but I did the best I could. These critters ain't the smartest.

If you are missing the cicada experience: I took a seven-second video outside my office at lunchtime. You don't see any of them flying, unfortunately, but there are several clinging to the tree branch. And you can hear their trippy song.

Posted by Nic at May 27, 2004 05:36 PM

Being humain can only go so far .

Posted by: Jeremy at May 27, 2004 06:22 PM

okay...if you were REALLY thinking of my experience, you would have SCREAMED YOUR HEAD OFF much to the dismay of surrounding drivers!!!
(also...intellect aside, they're blind!! They keep running into my windshield too)

Posted by: zenchick at May 28, 2004 12:03 AM

Í must be blind myself because I really can't see them that well. Are they the red things on the leaves?

Posted by: Sweety at May 29, 2004 04:28 AM
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