May 16, 2004

Swan Lake


One of my waterfowl neighbors. She (and actually, it may be he, but something about a swan makes me assume female) is the only swan I've seen around here, and I'm curious as to how she ended up on our lake with the ducks and the geese. She doesn't seem to take questions, though.

I'm beat. Work's been rough since my mini-vacation, and yesterday Victor and I babysat my sister's kids all day. We had no disasters, but man...I don't think I sat for more than 30 seconds. I don't know how parents do it. I vow to be a lot more sympathetic next time I'm irked by a kid meltdown in a bank, grocery store, or restaurant.

Well, unless it's a restaurant where I'm paying over $20 for my entree. Then they oughta get a babysitter. Um, but that wasn't my point...oh, yeah. My point is that I'm wrapping up the weekend even more tired and fried that I started it, so except for a serene swan picture, I really have nothing to offer.

Posted by Nic at May 16, 2004 08:39 PM

Sounds like tomorrow would be a good day to call in well !! (mental health days are TOTALLY valid)

Posted by: zenchick at May 16, 2004 11:26 PM

I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

Babysitting can be VERY exhausting I know LOL :)

For some reason I also think swans are all female ;) It's sad she doesn't have a friend to hang out with.

Posted by: Sweety at May 17, 2004 07:55 AM

Join the Linux community.

Posted by: Machutus at July 5, 2004 10:27 PM
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